Photo Credit: Chris Linder
Connolly C.T., Stahl M.O., DeYoung B., Bostick B.C. (2022) | Surface flooding as a key driver of groundwater arsenic contamination in Southeast Asia | Environmental Science and Technology | 56(2) | 928-937
Connolly C.T., Crump B.C., Dunton K.H., McClelland J.W. (2021) | Seasonality of dissolved organic matter in lagoon ecosystems along the eastern Alaska Beaufort Sea coast | Limnology and Oceanography | 66(12) | 4299-4313
Rawlins M.A, Connolly C.T., McClelland J.W. (2021) | Modeling terrestrial dissolved organic carbon loading to western Arctic rivers | Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences | 126 (10) | e2021JG006420
Bristol E.M., Connolly C.T., Lorenson T.D., Richmond B.M. et al. (2021) | Geochemical characterization of coastal permafrost and estimation of organic matter fluxes to the Beaufort Sea via shoreline erosion near Drew Point, Alaska | Frontiers in Earth Science: Biogeoscience | 8 | 639
Pedrazas M.N., Cardenas M.B., Demir C., Watson J.A., Connolly C.T., McClelland J.W. (2020) | Ice-free lagoon sediment within the continuous permafrost zone | Science Advances | 6(43) | eabb5083
Connolly C.T., Burkart G., Cardenas M.B., Spencer R.G.M., McClelland J.W. (2020) | Groundwater as a major source of dissolved organic matter to Arctic coastal waters | Nature Communications | 11 | 1479
Connolly C.T., Khosh M.S., Burkart G., Douglas T.A., Holmes R.M., Jacobson A.D., Tank S.E., McClelland J.W. (2018) | Watershed slope as a predictor of fluvial dissolved organic matter and nitrate concentrations across geographical space and catchment size in the Arctic | Environmental Research Letters | 13 | 104015
Ober K.A. & Connolly C.T. (2015) | Geometric morphometric and phylogenetic analyses of Arizona Sky Island populations of Scaphinotus petersi Roeschke (Coleoptera: Carabidae) | Zoological Journal of the Linnaean Society | 175(1) | pp. 107-118
Connolly C.T., Sobczak W.V., Findlay S.E.G. (2014) | Salinity effects on Phragmites decomposition dynamics among the Hudson River's freshwater tidal wetlands | Wetlands | 34(3) | pp. 575-582
Technical reports:
Bull, D.L., E.M. Bristol, E. Brown, R.C. Choens, C.T. Connolly, C. Flanary, J.M. Frederick, B.M. Jones, C.A. et al. (2020) | Arctic Coastal Erosion: Modeling and Experimentation | SAND2020-10223, Sandia National Laboratories, NM
Connolly C.T., Sobczak W.V., Findlay S.E.G. (2013) | Field and laboratory investigations on the effects of salinity on decomposition dynamics among the Hudson River's freshwater tidal wetlands | Section I: 1-31 pp. | In S.H. Fernald, D.J. Yozzo and H. Andreyko (eds.) | Final Reports of the Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program | Hudson River Foundation